We offer Initial Needs Assessment (INA) to be carried out as a one off report, outlining the current clinical needs of the client, associated budget and making recommendations as to how these needs could be met or at the start of working with a client once formally instructed.

If the client has been receiving regular Case Management previously, we can offer a Case Management update report and plan with associated budget outlining in more detail the plan of proposed intervention by the Case Manager.
Kindred Community Case Management team can offer Initial Needs Assessments under the Rehab Code which are usually jointly instructed. by the claimant and defendant litigating solicitors.
We would be happy to provide you with a quote for services of either an Initial Needs Assessment or Case Manager Update Report and Plan upon request.
Both reports come with a comprehensive and detailed report identifying the initial needs of the client in that moment. It will highlight current status, environment, any identified risks, goals of the client, case management goals and list of recommendations. There will be a separate budget provided for any associated costings.
Therapist assessments can be provided as a one-off review of needs or as part of an instruction for therapeutic intervention as part of a multidisciplinary team. Following the assessment a report, recommendations and costings will be provided.
Please feel free to get in touch to talk or find out more